Thursday, February 26, 2009

I will look back...

I must say the last six plus months and the last two years have been such a unique experience for me.  Years from now, I know I will look back keenly and fondly on experiences I've had in the last two years.

(in no particular order)

I have:

  • learned the cost of generosity; it is always worth it 
  • seen my love grow for my grandparents, Jay, Odessa, June, and George
  • listened to and love Gnarls Barkley, Muse, Radiohead, James Blunt, Justin Timberlake, Kanye West, and Mika
  • rediscovered my friendship with my father
  • redefined my priorities a number of times - I continue to learn what's really important
  • lost my gentle, loving, magic-performing grandfather, George
  • made many many friends
  • put 40k miles on my car in one year and five months
  • fought off the girls with a stick "Why do girls have to like me?" Mom got a kick out of this highschool statement
  • likewise been fought off by a stick!
  • seen "The Office" rise and decline in humor and appeal
  • had some great times and laughs with Nathan, Megan, Andres, Graham, Erika, Lori, John, and David 
  • wish I had more time for the piano and vocal instruction
  • believe that walls can be taken down in as simple a manner as Jericho - faith
  • had the opportunity to teach elders quorum a number of times
  • been stopped by police or highway patrol 6 times resulting in 4 tickets
  • own a Dwight Schrute bobblehead
  • travelled with Jochen, Marianne and Henni in Europe and saw them again a year later 
  • missed my out-of-state brother Cardin and sister Brynn
  • thoroughly enjoyed my golf outings with Jordan, Jared, Darin, and Tyler
  • been to California twice - my second home state
  • thought of my good friends - the Skoczylis family - often
  • love all that I get for only 10%
  • learned how to dance in public and private with little reservation 
  • made a handful of over-nighters to Crystal Hot Springs
  • not spent enough time outside besides soccer games
  • learned the positive and negative impacts of music
  • learned balance in many things
  • "Why, because we're both handsome?" 
  • all the fun and clever times with Jordan B., Brian, JD, Dustin, Jordan Y., Scott, and gang and wives.  "We are kind of a big deal." 
  • love the wisdom I will always receive from my father
  • spent my 2008 summer at Lagoon with my friends
  • received a German National jersey signed by the national team from my work manager
  • been able to spend time with Andy, Tiger and the girls twice in the last three years.
  • been stressed to the max like never before for 12 months over last year in college
  • reacquainted myself ever so fondly with Nirvana MTV unplugged
  • gave up dating my last semester of college
  • knocked doors for window washing customers
  • fought, yelled, and cried with others and alone
  • discovered Snow Basin
  • dreamed of Germany for 3 1/2 years
  • sang one botched, but still pretty, solo in church (it was bad, hilarious, and pretty all at the same time!)
  • rediscovered oldie Erasure, Depeche Mode, Billy Joel, They Might Be Giants, Live, and U2
  • come to understand my Heavenly Father a little better very slowly
  • increased my gratitude and understanding of my brother and savior, Jesus Christ
  • spent too much money at Bajios
  • finally recognized that I love the emerging spring as much as I have always loved the fall
  • lost my breath at the sight of Switzerland's beauty
  • gained 6 new nephews and nieces; B. E. M. N. M. B. (Maci included)
  • said goodbye to my mother for a short time and gained a stronger family
  • seen my fascination for economics continue to grow
  • grown closer to many elders as I served more than 2 years in the elders quorums
  • randomly asked out 6 girls that have caught my eye (and have 2 more in the works)
  • graduated in Bus. Economics and learned so much.  I made great friends with Dr. Nowell
  • grown closer to all my siblings
  • have always wanted to get an MBA
  • was able to help Dave and Mandolin renovate their new home - we had a blast
  • discovered Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.
  • become great friends with my cousins at 374
  • miraculously walked away from a completely horrific car accident in which my car was totaled.  I thank Him and His angels for that. 
  • purchased my dream car - 2003 Acura 3.2 TL.  It's a beautiful romance really
  • paid for my own schooling (and still am)
  • gave a killer senior thesis presentation and will be published
  • been blessed with two new families - 374 and 1510
  • 4 new fantastic mothers - Mandolin, Kristen, Tammy and Nadine
  • bought a MacBook Pro. Money does bring happiness.  Money buys the mac, mac brings happiness
  • found my voice
  • always loved to learn a new word - gregarious, scintillating, docile, quixotic, etc.
  • thrived on hosting holiday and "The Office" friend parties
  • set course for a brilliant career in investing
  • learned better who I am
  • discovered some fabulous music and great movies
  • was forced to leave my beloved soccer field after only 15 minutes due to my wretched mono and for the following 6 months.  It was perhaps one of my saddest moments ever
  • was infected with mono and West Nile virus - quite a nasty combination - nerve pain + exhaustion
  • served
  • run
  • confronted
  • loved
  • played soccer and ran in the pouring rain and mud
  • felt the child in me again as I saw the bright orange-yellow side dump trucks while driving to work 
  • learned teasing my nephews, Harris and Brigden, has its limits. I treat them much more kindly now.  My nephews and nieces are some of my best friends
  • made great friends with Kevin and Shannon and love them
  • switched rooms multiple times at 1403 Cville while renovating
  • broke in my bedroom door
  • shoveled many walks - I love doing the walks
  • become great friends with Dodger
  • left my car running while I went into work
  • consider myself a swimmer although I haven't swam in a year
  • learned some amazing principles impressively unfolded by C.S. Lewis
  • read Thomas Mann's Tonio Kröger a number of times
  • am no longer ashamed of liking, no, loving children's movies
  • learned that only so much is in our control
  • cherish my mother's example in all things (except the whole "rotten day" mumbo jumbo)
"God grant me the serenity to 
  accept the things I cannot change;
  courage to change the things I can;
  and wisdom to know the difference."

I am a product of my choices and all that surrounds me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Devourer and Thief of Goodness - Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am a devourer of chocolate chip cookies and not the least bit bashful about it.  Yet you might have never known it.  My obsession remains largely secret.  When it comes to my delicious chocolate baked friend I have no reservations and throw all rules out the window - socially and morally.  I have no shame in exceeding the amount deemed socially appropriate.  Where this might invite comparisons to the cookie monster, such a comparison would only discover our shared like of cookies.  Much more important is my method of acquiring many of my good chocolate chip friend.  A more accurate comparison might reference Mr. Hamburglar and his intrepid yet surreptitious method in acquiring plentiful amounts of his senses-dulling delicatessen - cheeseburgers.  At any type of potluck (be it missionary hello's and bye's, ward functions, friend bbq's, or work parties), one moment the best cookie will be just hanging out, looking pretty and then suddenly the next moment this blue ribbon cookie and 7 of his cronies will be MIA! (two on my plate, three neatly wrapped in a napkin below my plate, and three again neatly wrapped in a napkin in my pockets!)

I consider this a skill - that is, my ability to first spot the tastiest cookie and then secondly to capitalize and secretly bring as many of these cookies as possible into my possession.  A delectable, scrumptious cookie for me is as good as money in the bank.  Nor does it matter whether I eat them all or not (although I usually do); saving them for a snack later isn't difficult at all.  You didn't get one, you say.... oh that's too bad.  I will still conceal the three I have in my pockets!  Although I would much rather plot and execute highly sophisticated heists (be it banks, auto boosting, the annoying cat next door, etc.) such a quiet plunder of seizing the tastiest chocolate chip cookie without being detected feeds my need for mischief.  As for the cookies that aren't so tasty, don't be offended when I replace the partially bitten cookie back on its platter.  It was a crappy cookie and everyone behind me would soon learn that anyway - let's just speed up the line of communication and spare them the mouthful.  I see it as me doing them a favor.  If it's no good for your cookie conniving nephew, (step) son, brother, cousin, Collin, then it's no good for anyone.  

So the next time you see me exiting the food line with plate in hand you may want to check my pockets, I just snagged Noah's and little Will-will's share of the cookies!

Stay Classy Planet Earth!

They read my stuff..

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