(in no particular order)
I have:
- learned the cost of generosity; it is always worth it
- seen my love grow for my grandparents, Jay, Odessa, June, and George
- listened to and love Gnarls Barkley, Muse, Radiohead, James Blunt, Justin Timberlake, Kanye West, and Mika
- rediscovered my friendship with my father
- redefined my priorities a number of times - I continue to learn what's really important
- lost my gentle, loving, magic-performing grandfather, George
- made many many friends
- put 40k miles on my car in one year and five months
- fought off the girls with a stick "Why do girls have to like me?" Mom got a kick out of this highschool statement
- likewise been fought off by a stick!
- seen "The Office" rise and decline in humor and appeal
- had some great times and laughs with Nathan, Megan, Andres, Graham, Erika, Lori, John, and David
- wish I had more time for the piano and vocal instruction
- believe that walls can be taken down in as simple a manner as Jericho - faith
- had the opportunity to teach elders quorum a number of times
- been stopped by police or highway patrol 6 times resulting in 4 tickets
- own a Dwight Schrute bobblehead
- travelled with Jochen, Marianne and Henni in Europe and saw them again a year later
- missed my out-of-state brother Cardin and sister Brynn
- thoroughly enjoyed my golf outings with Jordan, Jared, Darin, and Tyler
- been to California twice - my second home state
- thought of my good friends - the Skoczylis family - often
- love all that I get for only 10%
- learned how to dance in public and private with little reservation
- made a handful of over-nighters to Crystal Hot Springs
- not spent enough time outside besides soccer games
- learned the positive and negative impacts of music
- learned balance in many things
- "Why, because we're both handsome?"
- all the fun and clever times with Jordan B., Brian, JD, Dustin, Jordan Y., Scott, and gang and wives. "We are kind of a big deal."
- love the wisdom I will always receive from my father
- spent my 2008 summer at Lagoon with my friends
- received a German National jersey signed by the national team from my work manager
- been able to spend time with Andy, Tiger and the girls twice in the last three years.
- been stressed to the max like never before for 12 months over last year in college
- reacquainted myself ever so fondly with Nirvana MTV unplugged
- gave up dating my last semester of college
- knocked doors for window washing customers
- fought, yelled, and cried with others and alone
- discovered Snow Basin
- dreamed of Germany for 3 1/2 years
- sang one botched, but still pretty, solo in church (it was bad, hilarious, and pretty all at the same time!)
- rediscovered oldie Erasure, Depeche Mode, Billy Joel, They Might Be Giants, Live, and U2
- come to understand my Heavenly Father a little better very slowly
- increased my gratitude and understanding of my brother and savior, Jesus Christ
- spent too much money at Bajios
- finally recognized that I love the emerging spring as much as I have always loved the fall
- lost my breath at the sight of Switzerland's beauty
- gained 6 new nephews and nieces; B. E. M. N. M. B. (Maci included)
- said goodbye to my mother for a short time and gained a stronger family
- seen my fascination for economics continue to grow
- grown closer to many elders as I served more than 2 years in the elders quorums
- randomly asked out 6 girls that have caught my eye (and have 2 more in the works)
- graduated in Bus. Economics and learned so much. I made great friends with Dr. Nowell
- grown closer to all my siblings
- have always wanted to get an MBA
- was able to help Dave and Mandolin renovate their new home - we had a blast
- discovered Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.
- become great friends with my cousins at 374
- miraculously walked away from a completely horrific car accident in which my car was totaled. I thank Him and His angels for that.
- purchased my dream car - 2003 Acura 3.2 TL. It's a beautiful romance really
- paid for my own schooling (and still am)
- gave a killer senior thesis presentation and will be published
- been blessed with two new families - 374 and 1510
- 4 new fantastic mothers - Mandolin, Kristen, Tammy and Nadine
- bought a MacBook Pro. Money does bring happiness. Money buys the mac, mac brings happiness
- found my voice
- always loved to learn a new word - gregarious, scintillating, docile, quixotic, etc.
- thrived on hosting holiday and "The Office" friend parties
- set course for a brilliant career in investing
- learned better who I am
- discovered some fabulous music and great movies
- was forced to leave my beloved soccer field after only 15 minutes due to my wretched mono and for the following 6 months. It was perhaps one of my saddest moments ever
- was infected with mono and West Nile virus - quite a nasty combination - nerve pain + exhaustion
- served
- run
- confronted
- loved
- played soccer and ran in the pouring rain and mud
- felt the child in me again as I saw the bright orange-yellow side dump trucks while driving to work
- learned teasing my nephews, Harris and Brigden, has its limits. I treat them much more kindly now. My nephews and nieces are some of my best friends
- made great friends with Kevin and Shannon and love them
- switched rooms multiple times at 1403 Cville while renovating
- broke in my bedroom door
- shoveled many walks - I love doing the walks
- become great friends with Dodger
- left my car running while I went into work
- consider myself a swimmer although I haven't swam in a year
- learned some amazing principles impressively unfolded by C.S. Lewis
- read Thomas Mann's Tonio Kröger a number of times
- am no longer ashamed of liking, no, loving children's movies
- learned that only so much is in our control
- cherish my mother's example in all things (except the whole "rotten day" mumbo jumbo)
"God grant me the serenity to
accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference."
I am a product of my choices and all that surrounds me.